Search results 10.6.2 Legislation and Guidance Nuisance 10.6 AIR POLLUTION 10.6.2 Legislation and Guidance The National Emission Ceilings Regulations 2018 implement in the United Kingdom Directive 2016/2284/EU of the European Parliament and the Council relating to national emission ceilings for certain atmospheric... 10-6-2-legislation-and-guidance Training Mobile Plant and Site Transport Safe Driving and Work Practices Training (see the Training in Health and Safety section) Standards for the minimum training requirements for construction vehicle drivers/operators, banksmen and supervisors should be... D5-training Stakeholder and Community Engagement Nuisance 10.5 CONSTRUCTION GOOD PRACTICE 10.5.1 Establish and Maintain Good Public Relations Stakeholder and Community Engagement Engagement with key stakeholders and the local community at an early stage can lead to individuals feeling informed and... 10-5-1-2-stakeholder-and-community-engagement 12 Energy, Climate Change, and Greenhouse Gas Mitigation ENERGY, CLIMATE CHANGE and GREENHOUSE GAS MITIGATION 12.1 Energy, Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Mitigation 12.1.1 Introduction 12.1.2 Greenhouse gases 12.1 3 International Conventions and National Legislation 12.1.4 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions... 12-energy-climate-change-and-greenhouse-gas-mitiga Examination Synopsis of Other Legislation The Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 Examination No pressure system may be operated unless a written scheme for the periodic examination, by a competent person of specific parts of the system has been provided. This examination... B7-examination What is verification and who provides it? Managing Health and Safety in a Construction Business Common Development Phases for Safety Management Developing a Safety Management System What is verification, and who provides it? Making a judgement about the adequacy of a safety management system requires... a1-what-is-verification-and-who-provides-it HSE Fee for Intervention (FFI) Scheme and Notice o Legal Advice HSE Fee for Intervention (FFI) Scheme and Notice of Contravention On the 1st October 2012 the HSE introduced a Fee for Intervention (FFI) cost recovery scheme. Under new Regulations, duty holders who are found to be in material breach of health and... B1-fee-for-intervention-scheme Drivers Operators Banksmen Mobile Plant and Site Transport Safe Driving and Work Practices Drivers, operators and banksmen (signallers) All drivers, operators and banksmen of construction vehicles must be competent to perform their duties. Employers have a duty under Section 2(2)(c) of... D5-drivers-operators-banksmen Site Waste Management Plan Checklist WASTE APPENDIX 9 SITE WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN CHECKLIST Project Details (Include here name, location, start date, duration, site management team, etc) Site Constraints (Include here any site constraints such as maximum length or height of delivery... 11-appendix-9-site-waste-management-plan-checklist MEWP Operator Competence and Familiarisation Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs) MEWP Operator Competence and Familiarisation It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure that all operators using MEWPs are adequately trained and familiarised to comply... E12-mewp-operator-competence-and-familiarisation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10