Search results Bacterial Infection Confined Spaces Boreholes and sewers Bacterial infection Infection can arise (mainly in foul sewers) from rats' urine (Weil's disease) from putrefying solids, or in discharges from hospitals, and on occasion, general discharges during epidemics of contagious... E2-bacterial-infection References The Control of Hazardous Substances References Legislation Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986 Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 Personal Protective Equipment (EC Directive)... C2-references References SPECIALIST/SPECIFIC PROCESSES, RISKS AND COMPONENTS Site radiography References Legislation Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999 lonising Radiations Regulations 1999 Radioactive Substances Act... E24-radiography-references Sentinel Competencies General (NR) Working On The Railways Accreditations and Competencies Sentinel Competencies General (NR) For individuals who are required to work on or near the line, they must be in possession of a valid Personal Track Safety (PTS) Certificate. There are numerous competencies... E25-sentinel-competencies=general Migrant Workers Training Who should receive the training? Migrant Workers Employers have a legal obligation to ensure all workers remain safe on site. This is made more challenging when employing migrant workers. In addition to assessing the risk to your workforce in the normal... A3-migrant-workers Site Boundary Site Logistics and Planning General arrangements Site boundary At all sites where it is reasonably practicable to do so, a fence should be erected enclosing all construction activities. It is also a requirement under the CDM Regulations that Principal Contractors... a2-site-boundary Summary of Requirements Work at Height Appendix 1 - Tube and Fittings Scaffolding Erection, alteration and dismantling of scaffolding Summary of Requirements Unless a scaffold is ‘TG20 compliant’ (i.e. it is constructed in accordance with a TG20 compliance sheet) it... E5-summary-of-requirements Development of the Plan CDM Regulations Principal Contractor Development of the Construction Phase Plan For all but the simplest projects, it is likely that the plan may not be sufficiently developed to cover all of the work the project will involve but may only cover early phases... b4-development-of the-plan Team Competencies Overhead and Underground Services Underground services Team Competencies It is recognised good practice that every project involving excavations or breaking ground should appoint a competent Services Coordinator; an important risk control measure. The primary... e18-team-competencies Secondary Legislation (Statutory Instruments - Reg Register of Legislation 11 WASTE LEGISLATION Statutory Instruments Regulations, Orders - Secondary legislation Legislation Title England Wales Scotland Summary of requirements relevant to construction . The Controlled Waste (Registration... 03-11-secondary-legislation-statutory-instruments- 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15